Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Hi Clauvio! I was just curious if you ever got a chance to try out the binaural mic from January last year. I don't get a chance to be around for the streams very often, so never really saw if you had a chance to try it out or not. If it didn't work out for you, then no worries. I just thought it'd go well with your voice when I saw it on Throne back then. xD

thanks for the question!
never tried it out because of my environment (its very loud) and i thought that doing ASMR with my voice would give the wrong impression for what id like my streams to be like (im not a sexy person, which to be fair that isnt what voiced ASMR necessarily needs to be, but i think thats why people would want me to do it, i would be bad at it and would be very embarrassed to do it). more power to peeps that are in to the ASMR stuff- good for them but its not really my kinda thing. i was pretty clueless when i put it on my throne.

i still would like to get some use out of the mic though, if i ever did it rest assured it will be extremely bad and done as a joke for an event stream or something.

id love to do more reading streams though! (non asmr)

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