clay ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr!


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𖹭 · 58 answers · 2mo

teh sisri atau teajus? tentukan pilihanmu sekarang!

Miles Brinneth. · 5 answers · 2mo

What was the best thing you've ever eaten so far?

Ch. · 35 answers · 3mo

Kalo one fine day minat ke negara mana?

ayis : P · 3mo

hellaur clay rawrrrr, how’s ur day??

HELLOOOUU AYISS ^ ____ ^ mine was pretty gooodd!! aku tadi abis mam mie ayam kesukaankuu:3 kamu sendiri gimanaa??

newcomer · 3mo

what’s your hogwarts house?

𖹭 · 50 answers · 4mo

mau tanya dong, kalo misalnya aku pernah reply/qrt tweet orang yang akunnya ga followan sama aku, waktu aku buka gembok akun ku kira-kirat itu reply/qrt nya bakal muncul di mentab orang itu ga?

𖹭 · 63 answers · 4mo

siapa di sini yang suka jadi tempat penampungan makanan? alias kalo lagi makan bareng terus ada yang ga abis makannya, kalian yang ngabisin

Miles Brinneth. · 4 answers · 6mo

Tell me your fav midnight snack!

newcomer · 6mo

heya there, ms. clay! how's it going? i hope it's going well for you.
kita sering jbjb an? well, i can say yes. by now you should already know me. :D
well, actually, i'm planning on coming to your DM. idk when but maybe this week? soalnya malunya udah berkurang sedikit.
but anyway, ditunggu aja ya! but don't be surprised.
okay, ig that's all. i need to work on a project before it's too late. good night, don't let the bed bugs bite, ms. clay!!! 🧡

haaaii, it's going well sender! i hope you do too
wooww :o i think i know you... hahahahah
kerenn, i'll wait for youu sambil duduk manis🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️
hey you are such a sweet person :<, good luckk with your project!

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