shy guy from mario · 1y

If renjun WAS running the world and we all lived in a tree do you think it would be hollow like a beehive or we'd all be in little birdhouse type rooms on the branches. Also do you think renjun is familiar w the tinkerbell cinematic universe I think he'd enjoy

1) omg wait when he first said this I was trying to figure out how the trees would hold us all up but maybe living in the hollowed out inside (like winnie the pooh??) would be better…. ur mind! ykw, I trust a renjun-led world to defer to its tree scientists on what’s safest for the trees… maybe some could be hollowed but others would be complex structures on the branches… I guess it depends on the tree… 2) if he’s not I definitely think he would get a kick out of it… to be honest it’s been forever since I’ve watched any tinkerbell content so I’m curious to know too 🧚🏽

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