Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
hi! I was wondering if you were writing a fic currently? maybe one in the works?👁️ you always surprise us with new fantastic stories so I was wondering if you were taking a break or cooking! (I don’t intend to pressure you, I’m genuinely curious!)
No pressure taken~ I will have to take a second after finishing the holiday requests to see where my brain wants to go. I have a royalty minsung that is...~14k (% done...unknown), and I may push on to get that out. There's the farrier minchan that should be short and sweet, so that's also a possibility. There's also (another) mpreg minchan that I have about 3k on that's a maybe someday situation, and a random idea in my head (wait, another mpreg ha) that I haven't put into words. Also a minlix I just realized has been sitting in the dust. Oops.
...not sure how this happened. Well. We'll see. 🙈 ❤️
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