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Anonymouse · 9mo

what’s a kink you’re not into, but are curious about/could get into?

i'm not really into lots of popular tropes that are themed and/or paired with hypnotism, but sometimes it can get me under the right context and circumstance! it's pretty rare though...

Anonymouse · 1y

how about irl objectum crushes? :O

can't say i've ever had a real life objectum crush, as my feelings most of the time are familial or friendship-based... ^^; maybe one day that'll be a true reality?

Anonymouse · 1y

do you have any vore crushes?

i've had a few in regards to characters and creatures from canon media, but i'm highly embarrassed to name them ;w; best left to oneself!

Anonymouse · 2y

Ideal date with a robot/AI ?

i don't know the first thing about dating, so we would probably just hang out. 'take them with me on a walk, show it the sights around town, watch a movie, play games at my home... yeah!

Anonymouse · 2y

What are enjoyable things in vore

art making wise, you can be as self-indulgent as you want. you can improve upon certain details over time and have lots of fun with it!

general wise, that can be interpreted in many different ways. to keep it short, overall satisfaction + enjoyment of both (or more) parties is something i like & look out for.

Anonymouse · 2y

Would you put your brain in a robot body. You'd have the strength of 5 gorillas

Anonymouse · 2y

thoughts on squis from will you snail?? cuz i heard you have a crush on robots/ais…

took a little look at the game since i've never heard of it before... while it doesn't exactly capture my interest, the character in question is pretty neat for how he predicts your character's movements in real-time and will immediately intercept/hinder progression through the game's stages-- all the while by mocking you for how you play, of course!

a holier-than-thou personality for non-human characters can get someone smitten real quick, that much's for sure!

Anonymouse · 2y

you should check out bobot from warsow

Anonymouse · 2y

Who are your favorite fictional robots / AI

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