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anon · 2mo

How naughtily narcissistic is Himani? Cause I can easily imagine her totally tantalized, enticed & turned on by her own fat-assed reflection in a full-length mirror! Just jiggling, flaunting, fondling and fawning over her own lush, lardy curves, rolls, folds and pounds of blubbery overabundance; with mounting lust, excitement and arousal! And all while whispering words of corpulent encouragement, adoration and seduction to herself as she does so…😘🐷😈 Maybe I'm wrong …but she 💯% seems like that kinda Gal!

i think she would be, albeit with a bit more self-awareness than you'd expect; it'd be a bit of a facade, but a part that she truly does love to play

anon · 2mo

Does Himani have a soft sweet vulnerable side under all her brash blubbery hoggish slobbyness? Or is she just pure gluttony greed lust excess indulgence and hedonism incarnate to her very core? 😇🐷😈

she does! it's just buried under several layers of fat, sweat, grease, and haughtiness

anon · 2mo

If you could instantly turn everyone on earth into a super slobby hyper-obese blob with no prior memory of ever being slim, would you do it?

maybe not Everyone but i could definitely think of a few folks (including the girl reading this)

anon · 2mo

what does himanis sweat taste like? does it change based off of what she eats, or the location of the sweat??

it's like if sweat was made of blue sports drink (but also i love the idea of it changing based on what she eats, that's fun)

anon · 2mo

USSBHMs being soft sweet cuddly sensual & feminine? Or USSBBWs being gross gassy greasy sweaty & slobby? Which do you find more tantalizing enticing & alluring???

anon you literally cannot make me choose between these two options. my head would simply explode

anon · 3mo

Do you enjoy the wildly intoxicated, desperately hysterical, euphorically orgasmic 'I GOTTA GET FATTER!!!' kind of Fatties? Or do you generally prefer Chonks to have a more lazy, low-key, relaxed, casual and easy-going attitude towards their own obesity, gluttony and weight gain?

both are great, but the real primo stuff is someone who switches between both, i think.

anon · 3mo

Himani doesn't receive nearly enough well-earned praise for being such a positive inspiring aspirational female role-model! I only hope she realizes just how much we all appreciate her utterly incredible example! 💖

ur a real one anon, if more people were like her the world would be a better place

anon · 3mo

Does Himani possess people? If she does, she go on a feeding frenzy with their body? Leaving them fat sweaty ravenous blobs with no possible way to return to their normal bodies ?

i haven't really ever considered how the aftermath would play out, but i do like this idea

anon · 3mo

Do you ever worry your massively obese blubbery lardy hyper-blobs are setting unattainable body-goals for aspiring Fatties?

anon · 3mo

Is the androgynous aspect of obesity a major draw for you? like you pile enough pounds of thicc jiggly curvy lush lard onto someone's hips breasts belly & ass that it becomes kinda amorphous indistinct & irrelevant what gender they originally were? After their most physically distinct & sharply binary bodily features are softened submerged & subsumed beneath all-enveloping fat what does it really even matter right?

anon · 3mo

How would Himani describe her daily diet?

anon · 3mo

Himani looks like she would be adorable as a gourgeist. Who wouldn’t want to be smothered by the greatest pumpkin?

anon · 3mo

Have you ever considered a prequel sequence/comic exploring Himani's past life & what drove her to become a gluttonous blobby sweaty shameless spirit of voracious vengeance in the first place???

i have, but it wouldn't be a funny fetish thing - i'll explore it eventually for sure, though.

anon · 3mo

Have your OCs changed evolved or developed in any surprising ways over time as you reworked them from your original conception of who & what their characterisation was initially intended to be? And if so, how?

himani hasn't changed much aside from like, tripling in size? otherwise pre-transition clair used to be a robot. that's about all for my nsfw OCs, i think

anon · 4mo

cassidy butt stuff???? Stuff me in cassidy's butt 😩💦

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