Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

penpal · 4mo

I'm an oversharer, I'm so sorry, this has nothing to do with anything, but I wanted to sharer, so hi! Locksmith comes from Tiffany using a lock necklace and taeyeon using its key so we became their locksmiths. I love how teddy angels is like we are gmg little lovechilds lol (even tho they are my babies) aaa and it gives me the excuse to share with everyone the gmg lore because someone is BOUND to ask me "why teddy angels?" and then I get to go cracks knuckles "well…"

dont apologize omg i was gonna ask what the lore behind locksmiths was so thank you for sharing! and exactly i love the sentiment behind the fandom name, in a way it’s like a show of how dearly we as a third party hold gmg’s relationship to our hearts and like you said people who dont know will be more inclined to ask bc its so cute hehe

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