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silly voice in my head · 9mo

Even though Casey Jones isn’t confirmed for MM what would you like him to be like in the MM universe? I’d want him to be old asf and Raph having a huge crush on him

OH BOY HOW DO I WANT HIM?! i actually have a checklist and i juust need ONE (preferbly 2 but im a beggar so i cant choose):
- hispanic]
im hispanic and i just need some SORT of rep. like think about it, a no sabo or 1st gen or immigrant casey who speaks the horrible spanish that is dominican and puerto rican
- old(er than raph)
if the groomer casey doesnt make it clear i want case older than raph again like 03
- a guy
after rise idk how i feel about female casey jones (she just yk WASNT casey jones, she was cassandra, not even cj jr was casey. i need my himbo back pls)

in every scenario casey and raph are making out btw

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