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shy bunny · 1y

favorite dessert perhaps … if u prefer savory maybe favorite snack ?

I love sweets more than savory TBH, for savory I'll usually just go for a potato chip.. I like salt and vinegar a lot, tangy.. but it hurts my mouth and gives me heartburn so I think I can't do it much anymore lol.. will usually just go for plain.. but SWEETS .. it's hard to choose.. I tend to like things that are milky slightly sweet.. I like a plain cheesecake.. or a tres leches cake or other 'poke cakes' wet cake is a weirdly good sensory time... or fruity things.. Popsicle always good. cold icy swallow. Apple pie... with vanilla ice cream... melty, mix of hot and cold in a bite, sensory delight.. !! apple pie and ice cream probably my overall favorite lol

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