a mouse · 2mo

How did you come up with the idea for the mobstocking?
It's so wonderful every year!! Thank you for making it

ty anon, I'm glad you've had fun with it! I love that people have seemed to enjoy it, running it is a favorite part of wintertime for me now <3

I can't take credit for the original idea since stocking-stuffer and giftbox fests have existed for a while, dating back to livejournal days, but I wanted to make one specifically for mobsai because i love the series so much and wanted more fandom events and fanwork for it to exist hehe. part of my motivation was also making myself feel better, tbh: I wanted to make it open to everyone and all ships because I always felt sad when I'd find what looked like a cool fandom event and then read in the faq that my otp was banned, so i wanted to Be The Change, as the saying goes.

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