Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

chonkbunsoob · 2y

i feel like we as a society should more often talk about that on to do episode (i think number…62?) about getting to know the members where soobin said to step out of the box if you think you’re more handsome than him and yeonjun shyly didn’t move. he was being deadass serious too, you can tell by soobin’s surprised reaction. anyways i can’t think about it too long or i’ll die lol just wanted to pass it along

ur not alone on this chonkbunsoob, the "soobin has the face that's most my type" fella might not be in our face with how much he's down bad for soobin's looks, but it shows in moments like these. i think about how when soobin didn't know how to be sexy and he'd try doing the sexy dance . (other ppl cringe but im not like them, i have the most softest spot for soobin trying to be sexy then), all the other members would clown him but yeonjun was usually the one who'd hype him up. they're each other's biggest hype men, and now im emo .

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