Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 1mo

wait... does figaro's training spot and gimmick punishes u if u take a rest? (im never one to fully understand a lot of the game mechanics unfortunately 😭)

AH NO SORRY my post was just referencing a meme LOL. figaro’s location gimmick involves manipulating the emotions of the wizard you’re training, which. is very figaro LMFAO. essentially, a regularly successful turn gives you a boost to the money you make at the end of a training session; a failed turn gives a boost to the amount of rank exp you’ll make; and a great success will give a boost to both these things. you also get a +100% boost to card exp if you go thru all 4 rounds of training, which can be useful for grinding card stories for mana stones. sometimes you’ll get little pop-ups indicating that your wizard should be in a particular mood — if you manage to train them in that mood at the same time, you’ll get a bonus to the relevant boost. hopefully that makes sense…

i’ve attached an image to demonstrate what i mean — the circled green flower is what you use to change the mood of ur wizard! it’s random, tho, so it relies a little bit on luck

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