Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Traveller · 11mo

Hi ! I have a question regarding the stretch goals. If someone order several bundles (A GO for example), including a full bundle and a flat bundle, will flat bundle still not be eligible for the linked charm stretch goal? Could you elaborate on how stretch goals will be distributed to the different packages considering that, if the stamp washi tape stretch goal isn't reached, flat bundle will not get anything, even though their orders will logically help reach the different stretch goals?

If the washi tape strech goal isn't reached, would the team consider adding the linked charm to flat bundles? If it is, could people who bought the flat bundle be able to pick between the washi and the linked charm? I understand than the flat bundle aims at "flat" goodies, as in mostly paper related merch, but considering the charm will ultimately be flatter to send in a package than the washi tape, some people may prefer it. Have the team considered those possibilities?

Thank you

Hello! To make things more convenient for the mod team, the stretch goal merch will be allocated per each bundle purchased, based on which stretch goals a bundle is eligible for.

While we understand that this would potentially result in the flat bundle not receiving any stretch goal merch, given that we are currently only 5 physical orders away from the second stretch goal being reached, that is not currently something the mod team believes will be a concern. Hope that helps!

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