Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

How much do you love me?

Hikari, I love you more than I could ever express in simple words. The way you make me feel is absolutely new and wonderful to me and one I truly plan to cherish for as long as possible.

The way we laugh together and just enjoy talking with each other to the point that we totally lose track of time is such a beautiful and refreshing feeling that I can't explain how much it means and how wonderful it feels to truly just be able to spend time with you.

Whenever you send me a cute little song or gesture, you melt every wall I've ever placed around my heart because it's truly a different level of sweet and loving. I really feel like our connection is special and I can't wait to spend as much time with you as humanly possible.

I can only hope my feelings reach you as deep as they actually are <3

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