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Kilroy · 9mo

What are cassian and nacho’s fave restaurants to go to!!

Now Nacho rather takes the cake for restaurants, because Cassian heavily insists on him cooking at home (and he wins in that!) but I'd say Loyola's Family is a safe place. Venezia's Pizzeria comes a close second and for a third I'd surely say El Michoacáno
Loyola's Family is something really laid back, they appreciate the peace and quiet in the dull mornings, in which Cassian hasn't slept and Nacho just .. barely. Venezia's Pizzeria is rather Cassian's taste, it reminds him a tiny bit of his home and hence why - and El Michoacáno is because well, it reminds them of their beginnings, and because the food is really fucking tastey lmao.

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