Anonymous Seeker · 3mo

Hello there! Have you thought about making a NSFW digital booklet? 👀 I mean, we have Aphra, Elo, Rein, Clara, and so many others. That would be the delicious smut overload our boys deserve 😌🤌 haha. Anyway, thank you so much for your hard working, this zine was a blessing. My favorite so far 💖

Hi there! We’re so happy that you love the zine! 🥰🥰 We had the best time creating it!

After leftovers close, Lunar Flare will officially wrap as a project! The team has had a wonderful time working together, and are excited to hopefully work on more zines together in the future, which may have the potential for NSFW add-ons ☺️ But Lunar Flare itself will officially come to a close after leftovers 💙💛

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