Donna · 1y

i got into luckae since 2020🥹🥹 theyre really my comfort ship ever theyve always made me feel happy and all, their interaction and relationship seem so deep and romantic at least for me, i know how bad the eng fandom could be and how ignorant they are abt their actual relationship so.. ive tried not to actually be open abt it for a while,, but i really adore them.. the red / blue dynamic…. energetic, flirty / cold , shy … their childhood together .. the angst potential.. its truly a PERFECT ship .. seeing mhy loves them too i think theyre planning on something big in future .. like a BIG lore drop for the two of them and i honestly cant wait; also the tcg quest, GAA event … and that letters event , BAB event too made me fall in love with them even MORE ! 🥹 the manhua artist too for feeding us but sadly she disappeared.. i miss her
but also what got YOU into luckae ?

they really have it all; angst, soft and fluffy and so much more. hyv really show their hand sometimes in how they are always putting them together. its sad how much the EN translation have muddled everything, romantic or otherwise.

What got me into lck was going back to replay from the beginning on an alt account and being confronted with just how much tension there was in the domain scene with luc & kae. I was squealing over just how unnecessary that was for Luc and just solidified my love for them

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