coward · 6mo


🧠: infectiongirl from 8eyes! one of my biggest.. mes..? my icon on simply plural was infecty for a while ^.^ if anyone reading has never heard of or has been meaning to get into 8eyes i HIGHLY encourage doing so! it's soo good 🩷
💭: i have trouble with pronouns, names, and genders because my identity is so fluid, as stated in a previous answer. nothing feels Truly right, so i juuust.. go with whatever is most aesthetically pleasing at that moment ー。ー.. and if something DOES feel right, i have so much trouble with anyone "copying" it, it hurts so much but i cant really do anything cuz i know it's probably not malicious
💭{2}: ^ adding onto this, i have a lot of trouble with my identity being copied in general.. since i have no stability in my sense of self, anything copied doesnt feel right to Be Me anymore T_T like it was so comforting and made me feel whole; but turned twisted and wrong.

neither are vents! just peeks into my mind.. fyufyu 🩷

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