coward · 6mo

hii could i ask if u have any like. identity traits that r cool that u wouldnt mind sharing? ive always loved that short of thing - fragments of identity and such - but no pressure if u dont want to , fufufu .. i wish u luck on this rentrospring ! ~ rybbon

hello rybbon! welcome to yumi retrospring 🩷🩷 ^_^ as for your questionn? im not entirely sure what you mean to be honest ><.. if you mean traits that a person (or individual in general i suppose) could adopt that i find cool, i can share some, yeah! i love when people use different parentheses.. like {this, which i do}, [or this], <this>, ⟆this, like hearts!⟅ or even ❛these for quotes❜, and ❣︎ for exclamation marks! i also adore people that say funny things instead of "oh my gosh!" or something.. i personally say "holy crepes!" but you could put a miiillion variations on that! like.. "what the fluff!" or "holy cakes!" its so silly. hopefully this kindof answered your question? thank you for coming into my inbox rybbon!

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