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ángel / lola · 2 answers · 11mo

do you guys have any crazy stories about dogs

i had a dog once named roxy aand i stayed at my stepmoms daughters house for like a day or two (cant remember) and i came back and roxy jumped over the fence cage thing she was in ig and . hanged herself by accident
she was just hanging on the other side of the fence when i came back , dead
my parents said they heard sum outside that day but. they didnt think much of it and stayed inside,,
i loved roxy,, she was sweet
i think i cried that day
but im better now, that was years ago
and then we had 2 dogs, pitbulls, like roxy recently
we had them for a long time
and. they misbehaved,, the older dog, red , was a good dog before he met sasha, our other dog we had.
he was,, kinda territorial torwards her ig? and he tried to bite me and my dad once when we tried to get near her,,
so my dad got rid of them,, drove em down a dark road while i stayed home w/ my stepmom, and let em go
i loved them. i love dogs in general,,
i miss them.
sorry if this is kind of a vent btw,, but,, yea

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