Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nonny · 3y

What are your self care routines and techniques?

Oh lots of different routines for different ways to pick myself back up. Body checks for days I'm just not feeling well like eating, drinking water, showered, and fresh laundry. If my body is just in the dumps a hot epsom salt bath is usually the go to.

Bad mental health days? Blogging privately, drawing vent art, watching upsetting movies or music to vent the constipated stress feelings. If I just have a lot of pent up energy it can turn pretty sour so I use it to get chores done which tuckers me out too much to be upset.

Lastly if it's creative blocks preventing me from drawing or writing? I just take break. Look at the scenery. Enjoy more art I personally love and dive into why I love it. Watch animated anything that tickles my current phase. And obviously just keep making bad art! Cause who knows maybe that turd will be worth polishing in a week or month from now when I go digging for wips.

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