unknown entity · 7mo

any interest in ortho x idia? ortho destroying idias hole while calling him niichan and idia desperately begging him to slow down.. but even if youre not interested in shroudcest i think theyd look gorgeous in your style

Ignihyde as a dorm isnt my interest HOWEVER the dynamic of shroudcest specifically is super interesting, heartbreaking, and opens the gates for everything gross- i very much enjoy it even if they arent my focus :) (im a jack and jamil oshi)
I do especially like Ortho taking the lead despite idia being strange and modifying his brother's body- making a body for his dead brother at all- to be fit for him and only him. I think dom Ortho comes from half preprogramming and half putting Idia's needs above all else, ignoring typical morals because of everything that's occured in the past and loving his brother unusually but also... he IS just a bot now. TLDR Idia does not want to control Ortho in the first place, just needs his exsistence by his side, and Ortho unintentionally takes advantage of that by setting up nasty cope sex or whatevers equivalent
Sorry if my thoughts arent as sexually charged, i draw filth and porn but mouth speaks slight introspection into character relationships ^^

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