unknown entity · 5mo

hiii im going to go insane do u have any elaborations on the tatsumi misgendering kink,,, do u think hed b able to get anyone in ES to indulge in it with him or is he just sad and fantasizing abt it all the time

definitely the latter... if he actually had a partner to act it out on him he'd ironically be more confident in his gender and have less self image issues
but in his eyes, he thinks hes a "freak" or "fake" for having such a desire thats opposite of his ideals(being respected as a man) despite it only being a fetish
there are also other characters that i hc trans, so being in an environment with others like him just makes tatsumi more guilty and feel disrespectful
his want to conform to typical masculinity is killing him its crazy
i havent thought of anyone who shares the same fetish or would indulge it, so he will have to suffer alone a little more...

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