anon · 2mo

Thoughts on hyuka after seeing him irl.

boy's a diamond in the flesh. i'm afraid my words could never make him justice, as i can't be as eloquent nor detailed as any depiction of him deserves.
i don't think i was by any means ready to witness his existence from such close distance - and i definitely haven't yet been able to process it all.

i was (still am) starstruck.

he is gorgeous. everyone knows that. you've seen the pictures, you've watched the videos. and yet, when you think good cameras and good editing work in celebrities' favour, you're hit with a beauty so out of this world it becomes indescribable. he looks both rounder and sharper in real life. more full, not subject to certain angles and poses. he was delicate in his mannerisms, moved with both grace and conviction, and in every word he said you could feel a hint of shyness (not to be confused with embarrassment).
i couldn't take my eyes off of him. and i don't lie when i say he was shining - it felt as if he was surrounded by a halo of light, might as well have been an angel.

he is slightly shorter than soobin but he definitely feels bigger (whilst soobin is, surprisingly, much more intimidating), be it his quiet yet decisive confidence, or the width of his body and shoulders.
you can't but pay attention to him, focus on him, and listen to him. his mere presence demands attention. and once he gets it, he knows how to engage with the audience: both individually and as a collective, both as a vocalist and a performer.

hueningkai is a fucking rockstar.

he made sure to hype everyone up (despite there being people who came for other artists), and everyone reciprocated just the same. stage never felt empty, fans never felt alone. he kept waving, he kept sending hearts, and kisses, and looking at every and each of us. he is truly lovely, oh so lovely.

he was born to be on stage, he was born to be loved and admired and i can only be thankful i get to be one of the people who awards him with such deserving love and admiration.

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