Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

 𓏹 β„™π–†π‘ŸαΆ¦π•’β‚• 𓏲ེ Β· 10 answers Β· 9mo

β€ƒπ“Š†β€ƒπ—€π—’π—§π——;β€ƒπŸ˜πŸœ.πŸšπŸβ€ƒπ“Š‡β€ƒQuestion before bed ... What do you struggle with most? Be it an emotion, disorder, habit, etc.
β€ƒπ“Š†β€ƒπ—¦π—’π—§π——;β€ƒπŸ˜πŸœ.πŸšπŸβ€ƒπ“Š‡β€ƒThere I Am! There I Am Again!, by TurbonicFlaws

sympathy, empathy and emotions. then we have anger issues, trust issues, scratching at skin until it breaks and bleeds, biting on our lips, depression and of course bpd.

there's a list of things but if i'd say MOST it's sympathy and empathy

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