sweet, sweet anon · 2mo

it wasn't until he was injured that he lost 100% vision in it.

Mori that son of a bitch😠
I see! I thought dazai had it covered because it changed its color after being injured. But it seems he didn't like it from the very start?? Ow dazai, such pretty eyes you have :(. So many people want to have that uniqueness in their eyes. Is there a reason behind his eye's insecurity? Yosano said he doesn't like what lies behind when chuuya asked her

Another silly question I've been thinking about ahajahakha, so dazai was trans and yosano was a doctor and a surgeon. And dazai hates his bubbies because he's a man and women are the one with bubbies. Why didn't yosano just, take them off for him?? Xd, or why didn't he go to a place where to take them off ahahh. You know, that surgery where you get the mass reduced or just get them all out

he never liked it, because people would always stare and he was bullied for it at school before he started to cover it up. he didn't like the attention it got, and he liked that people mostly just left him alone once he started wearing the bandages.

yosano isn't that kind of surgeon, unfortunately 😭 she's a trauma surgeon, not a cosmetic one, so even if she did do it, it would probably look pretty messy lmao but also 1) he didn't have the money 2) he didn't want to go thru all of that pain and recovery if he was just going to die anyway 3) it was the 90s, and there was a lot of transphobia in the first place, so even finding the correct surgeon was more effort than he was willing to expend

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