
we love tomfoolering. ✦

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tomfoolery and clownery.


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cowardly anon. 🥱 · 17d

i don’t have anything left to say uhhh mwa

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 17d

watering ur rs rn LET IT GROW LET IT GROW

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 17d

how’s black butler going for you. would you change anything? and fave characters from 1 — 4?

i love it 😵‍💫 a story i can get bebind. characters i like. AND a fandom i like.

  1. ciel
  2. ciel.
  3. sebastian.
  4. undertaker.
cowardly anon. 🥱 · 17d

berry attack 🫐💥🫐💥🫐💥🫐💥🫐💥🫐💥🫐💥🫐💥🫐

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 17d

do you know @flwufflez?

ur weirdly obsessed with this person, to the point of spamming the question to multiple rs. leave them alone lmao.

Janne · 17d

I feel like you'd fight even a bear.🗣

Janne · 24d

(Proper one)
Anyway what is your first impression of me?
(Puppy eyes)

Janne · 25d

When the htwmho merch arrives, I suggest leaving your house windows and doors open!😇

i was so confused for a sec if this was a threat or advice oh wow ty jannie i wont!

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 26d

Hi! Is it okay if may i know which site you ordered the new htwmho merch? :( really want to buy the handkerchief and im trying to compare prices so far i only know harumi0 and k0reanbuddi3s tyia!!

yeee !! bibi recommended me shopnship kr and so far so good. if you need any detailed instructions shoot me another retro or dm me 🫶🏻

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 26d

would you hate women for a day if that would let you marry ruby?

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 26d

Hi! Just curious if the shipping cost for the new htwmho merch was a lot from the site you ordered?

not really! it was quite cheap, ngl. the pricey part comes from the merch itself. but the shipping price also depends on where you are, but the website itself can calculate the costs for you before you order so make sure to check it out! the customer service seems pretty quick too.

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 1mo

Manhwatwt general q: complete the statement “manhwatwt is not complete without (blank)” can be a person, manhwa events, things, random etc

manhwatwt is not complete without MY FRIENDS !!!!!! very srs response for once. cause tbh manhwatwt isnt that special and funnif it isnt bc i have friends to talk with and stuff 😭 id drop manhwatwt as soon as all my friends r gone

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 2mo

Manhwatwt general q: you only have ONE thing to associate your moots with a character/series/faves etc. who/what will you associate them with? (i cant give names since you guys have different mutuals probably so pick/choose moots you like/can think of)

girl im so bad at this kinda stuff but i associate retro manhwatwt anons with the mighty, holy and spirited yall single handledly carrying my retrospeing 👁️

cowardly anon. 🥱 · 2mo

Manhwatwt general q: assume theres a new member in the manhwatwt and asks u for recommendations which accs to follow (update acc, funny acc, daily posting, interactive acc, awesome acc or any acc in general) who or which moots will you recommend?

i recommend small accs if u actually want to make friends. not sayin big accs can't be friends but chances are they won't follow u back 😭 make ur own close knitted circle to share an interest with its really cozy and fun that way fr

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