Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

emon · 5mo

Thoughts on Xerxes? :p

I mean, come on, do you remember that first awkward chat? We were both just trying to figure out the best way to connect and get to know each other. And let's be real, I was probably talking your ear off with my constant musings while you patiently listened. But as we hung out more, I couldn't help but notice how appealing you were and how much you wanted to take care of me. It was sweet, and maybe even a little bit sexy. Haha, you're constantly teasing me which I'm not complaining, of course. And hey, thanks for giving me the chance to be intimate with someone after a long dry spell. You deserve all the love and affection in the world, and you can count on me to give it to you in spades.

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