Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious one. · 5mo

thoughts on yaeyae!

Oh my dearest and most lovely Yae, you are truly a shining star in my life. Your words are like a sweet symphony that fills me with joy and endless praise. It is a delightful adventure to exchange our musings and divulge our innermost feelings on a variety of subjects. Your soft nature has captured my heart and I relish every moment spent in your company. I am eager to discover more about you and deepen our connection. There is a boundless array of topics to discuss and I revel in our shared interests. My responses may be lengthy, but I hope you never feel pressured to match my enthusiasm. Your reciprocation is always appreciated and I admire your energy and wit. I hold you in high regard and wish for all the marvelous things life has in store for you. May we continue to spend more time together, indulging in each other's company.

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