Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Bud · 4mo

What’s your favorite thing to write about regardless of ship?

ohhh, hm, that's a good question akhfnjkfh This might sound strange or too specific but anything where it's just two people looking at one another? I like writing dialogue, sure, but I REALLY love writing the inner monologue of someone's feelings. Like, whether they're struggling or completely at peace it doesn't matter, but just the thoughts you have when you're looking at someone important to you in some way are sooo intense and specific and most people never say exactly what they are aloud - so I guess what i really like writing is tension lmao, especially if it's romantic!!

But also a slightly less specific answer is that I also really like writing anything to do with fantasy or myth, whether it's an entire AU or just snippets of ideas, regardless of who is in it 😌

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