Apologies for being inactiveā€¦ I guess I just havenā€™t felt very energetic lately!!! Hard to motivate myself to be onlineā€¦

Well, with thatā€¦ Iā€™m mostly just tired right now. I worked hard today, so my arms are all soreā€¦ but a friend of mine informed me that the character of Robin from Honkai Star Rail has a lot of inspiration drawn from the poet Emily Dickenson, whoā€™s work Iā€™ve always admiredā€¦ it makes me happy to see her get more recognition now, her poems mean a lot to me!

yearning right now mostlyā€¦ thatā€™s allā€¦

I guess in tune with the first part of this, the album based off of Robin, INSIDE, is pretty goodā€¦ go check it out if you want!

I reallyyyy want something spicy right nowā€¦ not sure about anything specific but just spicy.

I always find it hard to think of facts about myselfā€¦ but hereā€™s one! Iā€™m colorblind? I literally just found this out todayā€¦ I never knew because itā€™s not super severe!! Iā€™ve always been told my whole life that something I saw as one color was actually another similar one, but I thought that was up to how people defined the colorsā€¦ nope, turns out I just see things weird!!!

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