there’s no way to beat around the bush so we’ll start this with saying that we are sorry. we were in an extremely dark place and our main fronters at the time were not equipped to deal with that nor be interacting with people, that does not make anything we said, did or implied okay and we are truly genuinely sorry for how we acted. we have properly reflected on ourselves and gotten much help including finally getting multiple diagnosis’s and starting new treatments thanks to that. we are genuinely disgusted and ashamed that we allowed such things to happen and escalate as they did so are now acknowledging it fully but also wish to move forward and hope you will all allow that.

another thing we would like to note that most recent accounts or anons that have been connected to us were not us. we have been taking a break from retrospring for a little while now and have just gotten back here. we apologise for anything anyone has done or said using our name as the blame.

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