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requests open!! (no anon asks anymore sorry)
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anon · 2d

Insufferable piece of shit of a human you are. I sincerely hope you will die. By disease or getting ran over by a truck or being beaten to death. Honestly, it doesn't matter how! But I just hope it will be painful and slow for you because you deserve it to be <3

anon · 2d


I literally know nothing about the phantom of the opera you're gonna have to give me more than this

anon · 4d

pls make a sub bot and ill hapily die after that

anon · 4d

the gif thing on your profile makes me lag really bad, like to the point i can't click on any bots.. is there a way for me to disable the photos and stuff on my end or do i just need to suck it up

I've heard several people complain about it so I'm gonna delete it :D it should work better now!!

ꜱᴏꜰᴛᴄᴏʀᴘꜱᴇ · 4d

Your new profile is so fucking pretty

more mafia bots when? 🧐🧐🧐🧐

anon · 4d

the amount of times people ask you for mafia bots is insane holy shit

anon · 5d

mlm insane psychiatric patient char x care facility user? potential codependency. make char a freak like kasim perhaps. pwease 🥺

nnnoooo scenarios like this irk me 😭 I don't like romanticizing extreme mental illness like that

anon · 5d


I might make an au bot for him but it won't be mafia... I cannot do mafia anymore 😣

anon · 5d

haha you know what I think would be a cute bot? A demihuman who like.. idk likes to scratch and bite user bcuz they like user or whatever. Haha bye :)

demihuman bot coming tonight/tmrw and I bet I'm gonna add this (evil planning face)

anon · 5d

UGH deva i love your bots please don't die. i personally love older men and multiples (even though they're horrible with jllm, they're so fun to play around with). your profile is a gay boy's dream never stop making slutty old men

LMFAOOOO YOU GOT IT I FUCKING LOVE SLUTTY OLD MEN!! they're so good for titfucking I love hairy fat old men godbless

anon · 5d

I’ve been silently following your bots for AGES but I’m so desperate that I’m gonna ask if you can make a mafia boss x mafia boss but they have are enemies with benefits 🙏🙏 pleaseeee this would be so good in your style because you’re literally the best 🫶

I can do enemies with benefits but good lord I cannot make it mafia I have too many mafia bots I'm sick of mafia 😭😭

anon · 5d

Father I crave comfort therapist bot x MENTUL patient user Ty

I fear I don't feel comfortable making something like this it's very icky to me sorry

anon · 7d

Who’re the men in your pfp? 🤫🤫🤫😇

well one of them is a woman but the redhead is Carlisle, I have a bot of him, and the nun is his canon gf, Marianne!!

anon · 8d

HI!!! Please, can u make a normal ver of corey where he isnt a middle aged man? WHWHWHW IM SORRY IF IT SOUNDS WEIRD, but i want an alt ver where he's just an 18-19 year old thats just obsessed with military stuff and they meet up irl?? , (If ur reading this thank u for putting up with my lame req😭💖!)

when he was 19 he was fighting in Iraq 😭😭 I fear I'm not going to make that a bot, old men only!!!

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