horny bastard · 5d

to ur question abt c.ai uhh my answer is im too scared to ever interact w a real person ive never ever roleplayed before (w a person) n its comforting knowing i get to also choose the responses incase it's something i dont fuck with. roleplaying w a real person feels wayy to personal and intimate to me idk? but robot is like haha im gonna abuse u silly bot and its also available 24/7 n it wont suddenly block me or disappear t.t ik supporting ai is bad n all but im just far too anxious to speak to a real bitch especially if i wanna roleplay something kinda taboo idk it scares me bc why do u as a real person now know what strange roleplay things im into ?? u can use that against me waaa

all imma say is… i understand all of this, but i think you should try out real rp one day :D👍 it’s so much fun to write with someone who Gets You

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