Valentine. · 6 answers · 24d

How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?

Please, please. Leave me alone. Just for hours. Only until all thoughts pour out of my head.

Later, please check me in.

Hug me. Please. Anyone, I just need someone to be here beside me. So I won't lose the battle I'm always in everyday.

Depends on the situation. Sometimes I want to be left alone or sometimes I want to yap it all away. Perhaps I would like to my choice at the time to be respected.

I'd love to be babied, I think. Give me things to distract me or simply just be there for me. I'm the easy type to be amused.

I like to be... Accompanied. But I know it's kinda hard for someone to accompany me when I'm upset since I tend to push people away when actually I want some companion... Just keep talking to me and I will be the bawel Kiara again!

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