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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hey! Unfortunately, my copy of the fugue got ruined by a naughty cat and a case of flowers. I can’t find where to buy another copy, is there somewhere I can or am I just sol? Thanks 🩵

Im so sorry that that happened!! I will have a few more available in my store in June!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hi u should look into bitsy.io! its a web based 8bit game engine and people have made tutorials 4 getting started but its pretty simple!

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Ngl at first I thought Jules and Casper were lesbians and it was a surprise discovering they're boys. Thank you for the way you convey their gender expression!

my relationship w gender is complicated and I have a hard time naming it except to express it thru characters or by being myself and this is the best way I can do it

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

i love that your guys wear dresses and more typically femenine clothes and they're still boys!

thank you I love to try to make them seem masculine and feminine at the same time in new and exciting ways

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Do Jules or Casper wear glasses ever?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

hey i just wanna say i went through a sudden life altering disability like five years ago and as much as the hard days suck they do start coming less frequently and you will reclaim a sense of normalcy one day, even if you cant do the same things you used to as often as youd like youre gonna be okay dude. just remember not to push yourself too hard, rest is your friend even if youre feeling restless dont let yourself feel guilty for need to nap all day sometimes. also youre really cool and i love your work.

Thank you! Hopefully everything will be okay and I’ll get treatment and a diagnosis soon! I think if I get things under control my life can still be good

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Are you gonna be okay?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Dear H.A. — does Jules or Casper use email?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Would you wanna make a full animated show if a studio would let you

Omg if I could do that it would make my life! Tho I feel like I’d rather make a single film or something. Idk. A guy can dream! Maybe someday

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

hi!! reading the chromatic fantasy was such a healing and impactful thing for me and i wanted to thank you for sharing this story with the world!! i really love all of casper and jules’ outfits btw!! their fashion is so fun and i love how you draw clothing/fabrics! also, are you okay with people making fan art of or cosplaying your characters? with credit given to you of course. have a good day!

Thank you so much!!! And of course I love fanart and etc it always makes my day!!! :))))

Anonymous Coward · 4mo


Partly I’m fast at drawing and partly I didn’t take care of myself properly and you should not do it

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

dont gat mad at me but i named my cat casper!!!!!!

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

chromatic fantasy has had such a profound impact on me as a trans man. Thank you for making it. Jules and Casper are so near and dear to my heart. There’s something so tender about their love and the way you portray it. So. Thank you.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

a long time ago you said something like writing comics is not xyz its "you MAKE some GUYS and you PUT THEM IN SITUATIONS" and i think about it all the time and it may be the catalyst for me becoming a type of artist that makes art about guys doing things, with plots and backgrounds even. by default i am an object maker not a story maker !!! to read your twitter is to be changed, etc

Thanks!!!! It’s true just put guys in simple situations it doesn’t have to be complicated! Most movies or tv or books it seems like there’s so much happening but it’s an illusion there’s only like 2 or 3 things tops.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

I literally just got my copy of the chromatic fantasy and I haven’t read it yet but I’ve been so excited to finally get it in the mail! I squealed a little when I saw it on my porch hehe. I love your art soso much it feels so warm if that makes sense??

Thank you !!! I love to make art that feels like it is filled with the love I feel when drawing

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