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Ψ · 13 answers · 10mo

Do you read any form of fanfiction? If so, what's the weirdest thing you've encountered?

Occasionally, yes! I used to read a little bit of WoW and 40K fanfiction, but now I just read whatever short one-off catches my eye. Weirdest thing I've encountered is probably Old Man Henderson.

A year and a half ago I was reading komahina fanfics with my friend and let’s just say one of the ones I found would probably get me banned for mentioning it. I’ll just say they were mermaids. The rest is up to your imagination.

i read a Lot of fic. not even gonna say the weirdest things i've encountered because oh my god

not much but when my curiosity gets piqued i do ! i've encountered A LOT which i think is best i dont bring them up..

I'm over my fabrication days but I'm still reading the Shadowhunters books and they started off as a fan fiction.

I think I read one fanfiction story in my life, probably just to see what fanfiction is like. I don't remember what the franchise was or what the fanfiction was like.

I read almost no fanfiction, and when I do it's usually just trying to replicate and expand upon the original material, so it doesn't get that weird.

I sometimes do seach random words on AO3 for fun just to see how unhinged the tags are on the results. For example, the first result for the letter "I" is tagged: My Chemical Romance, Explicit, F/M, M/M, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Frank/Gerard, Lindsey Ballato/Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro.

Lowkey I just found out a TV show I like (who nobody, atleast nobody I've met, has heard of) has a fandom on AO3 of people shipping the two characters that I like

I do not :x
I know my friends did a dramatic reading of some cursed fan fiction in a call years ago, but I had scrubbed my memory of it hehe

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