luka :)

i like to say things.

right here.
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anon · 21d

hiii u look rlly cool i don’t have many enstars yume mutuals so i was wondering if u wanna be friends ?? :3

🍮 ; hi yes !! sorry for day late response i havent checked my retrospring in a bit , let me know your username so i can follow u !! (ノ´ з `)ノ

anon · 25d

any midoluka date ideas? where do they go? what do they do? :DD

anon · 25d

who would get sick the most, and how would they take care of eachother when sick?

🍮 ; hmm luka maybe? i can't imagine midori getting sick that often. although luka doesn't either. i can imagine midori not liking to stick around that long (doesn't want to get sick too ,,) he still brings around some food for luka or something because he cares !!
luka is almost the complete opposite, he always wants to be around midori when he's sick because he worries about her a lot !! when midori is sick luka becomes a certified nurse. (midori acts like its a bother but she thinks it's sweet)

anon · 25d

who blushes the most/the easiest?

🍮 ; i think they both blush pretty easily !!! ,, but i think luka does the most. he's generally a lot more shy and easily riled up so his whole face just ends up becoming bright red. midori thinks its cute.

anon · 2mo

if i were to bite into luka what would he taste like?

🥀: luka is friend not food !!!! but i eat a lot of cherries so maybe like that..? like a sweet dessert of some kind. please do not eat me though.

Lil · 2mo

whats ur fav thing to do w midorin as a pastime?

i like to do anything with takkun. as long as we're together then it's fun to me!! .. but if i had to be specific.. i like to play games with him. it doesn't really matter the game. but we play animal crossing a lot. i don't think he likes it when i harass his villagers though.. (ノω・、) ww

anon · 2mo

if you were a rodent what would you be ?

anon · 2mo

(for niko. i can use that as a nickname, right?) okay now whats the weirdest food YOU crave...... or just something weird u enjoy eating in general

[ you can! truly no one uses my full name with me anyway hehe.. and i actually dont have a lot of weird foods i like. im a bit picky with what i eat. however i have a really bad habit of chewing on straws and i have accidentally swallowed plastic a few times. so im not allowed to have plastic straws anymore ]

anon · 2mo

whats the weirdest food u crave

anon · 3mo

whats ur fav videogame/media genre??

horror. i think it's really fun to play scary things or watch scary movies with friends. even if i can't handle the scary parts most of the time.. ( 〃..)

anon · 3mo

Luka!! What do you like to do in your spare time?

hello! i like visiting the aquarium. or staying inside playing games. i just do what i like whenever.

anon · 3mo

how did ur eyebulbs get like that... 👀

( i've been staring at this for ages and i cannot tell what this is supposed to be asking me .. please come back and clarify anon please )

anon · 3mo

how/when did u meet midori?

oh, takkun. it was a few months ago. we're in the same grade so we got put in the same class. i sit right behind him, actually. he has this cute little keychain of a football fish and i wanted to complement it. but it took me about a week to work up the courage to talk to him. even then.. i just passed a note without saying a word.. (⌒_⌒;)

anon · 3mo

whats ur fav animal .....

hard question. i like marine animals. especially sharks. rabbits are a close second. ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱

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