Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Have you ever had an inspired idea for a story, but felt frustrated that it was beyond your scope as a Writer to execute? And if so, how do you overcome writers block, push yourself to improve creatively and strive to overcome your existing, literary limitations?
Kind of. I have several ambitious ideas beyond my usual scope, but I haven’t gotten around to doing them. Stuff that is still written, but not my usual stories if that makes sense
Pushing yourself to be creative when your body really doesn’t want to is difficult. I’ve struggled with it a ton. What’s helped me before in the past is talking with other creatives to try to get the juices flowing. Just recently I got an idea that wasn’t anything I’d ever consider writing before and it lit a fire in me and I banged it out super quickly. Stuff like that is really invigorating
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