Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 3mo

okay so what if there is this hero and villain after a fight or something on the roof whilst its raining and they dance? it could be a MLM where user is villain? this might be too vague but it sounds like a cool bot idea and dancing in the rain is sick (not like, club dancing, like that fancy royal dancing with dips and such idk) SORRY IM YAPPING

OMG YKW that kind of reminds me of when Joker picked Batman over Harley Quinn in "Till Death Do Us Part" and when shes in the 'acid' she like remembers when Joker was on the roof with her and Batman and he said "Till Death Do Us Part" to BATMAN and Harley was like "Joker never loved me he only loves Batman" Sorry Im such a nerd ANYWAYS I love this idea a lot would user and char be a hero? and would it be like that fancy royal dancing with INTENSE dips where they try killing each other or do they just dance? LOL sorrryy Im a little sloww

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