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Anon · 3y

Hi! I'm the research fic anon. Thanks alot for the insight! I didn't know that some readers will harass writers if they write something they thought wrong. I never lash out and usually just ignore things I find uncomfy, but recently I found something hits close to me, so I was baffled about it. I just ended up scroll past though. Also, the writers copy each other was so true lmao. I find fanfic very interesting. And, don't worry about the long answer, it really helps :)

hello! ty for messaging me again, very glad to know you found the answer somewhat useful! there are definitely things i come across that i can't ignore either, and they're usually not something people tag in their work--and sometimes they can't be tagged or warned for, when there's either no awareness for it or it's simply a matter of your own very personal boundary/knowledge. or, if it's still research-related, a display of almost malicious ignorance? fanfic sure is interesting 😵‍💫 fingers crossed that you will go a long time without running into something similar again!!

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