Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Pigeon · 2y

I need you to know that u singlehandedly got me to like kevinsu eventhough i don't play honkai. I read the manga recently and am in pain ahah, it was the whiplash of the cute kevinsu and what actually happened in the canon TT. Thankyou for the delicious art you make they make my day! Take care!

[slr] into the 'u made me like kevsu even if idk who they are' club you go anon AHAHA I'm happy that my draws make people want to learn about them it's very cute!!! congrats on reading second key and experiencing the subsequent pain from the manga... Su reminiscing and holding the leaf of a memory with Kevin in his last moments forever lives in my head rent free and gives me heart ache. I draw them fluffy to cope... Take care as well and thank you for the message <3

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