Anonymous Coward · 10mo

In playing a number of SRW games, I've heard a number of characters say something that sounds like "hasha" or "utei" when shooting their weapons. Is there an appreciable difference in these two terms, or is it just two different ways to say the same thing (like "launch" and "fire" in English)? I originally thought one was more for missiles and the other for bullets or beams, but that doesn't seem to be the case the more I play.

With a few exceptions, 発射 (hassha) is generally used for rockets and missiles, while 撃て (ute) is typically used for guns and cannons. We use "fire" for both guns and missiles in EN so no reason to distinguish between the two JP terms. "Launch" can be used for missiles in EN, but usually way larger ones than you see used in SRW weapon attacks.

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