Anonymous · 2y

Hi! Sorry if this has been asked or answered before, but what is the Head Mods previous experience with zines, if any? Super excited for this zine btw, I love the idea!

Hello! No worries.
This info is actually available on the Tumblr page here (, but the Carrd will be updated soon to also have this information as well.

As for an actual answer, Saishii was the Head Mod, Art Mod and Finance Mod of the In Our Hearts zine, a Digital-Only Danganronpa Zine dedicated to unpopular characters in the franchise- which donated $1300 to the Kids In Need Foundation. (
Saishii is also currently the Instagram Mod, Discord Mod, Pinch Hitter as both a Page Artist and Merch Artist, and General Assistant for the Dance of Despair zine, a Physical Danganronpa Zine about the characters having fun at Prom using the 10th Anniversary designs! As of the time of this question, that zine is undergoing the Production phase, and is planning to donate to the Charity NAMI. (

And thank you for the support! This idea is quite the ambitious one, but I'm really glad to hear that so many people are interested in this project!

Thank you for the question!

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