Anonymous · 2y

Sorry if this has already been asked! I know on the interest check it asks about adding certain characters, but let’s say none of them end up getting added? How many contributors are you considering as a baseline? Will there be guests?

No worries, this is a good question!

As of now, the base contributor count without any additional casts will be around roughly 55 total.
This will cover all 16 characters from all 3 casts for pages (assuming every contributor only wishes to create for one character), as well as a minimal amount of merch artists.
I am very much aware this is quite the large amount of contributors for a zine- especially if more characters get to be included, but I believe with a proper mod team and clear communication with everyone working on the project, this will be achievable.

And yes! There will be Guests. The Interest Check actually has a question dedicated to asking about Artists, Writers and Merch Artists people would like to see on this project as guest contributors. You can also list yourself if you'd like, just be sure to add proper links to a social no matter who it is!

Thank you for the questions!

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