miong · 6mo

hi sorry for randomly passing by, few days ago i saw you shared that you are watching my life with the walter boys. are you done watching it and do you mind if i perhaps ask your for your review? thank you, xx.

You’re warmly welcomed here. I barely openly giving my review on movies/series, so pardon for my bad explanation. From 1 to 10, I’ll give this series 7/10. It’s such a fun series to watch; but if you’re into coming of age story, I think the rating can be higher for you? I’m not really into the love conflicts they served into the stories (exception for Will and Hayley, which you’ll find it out later); but when some of the characters are bottled up with their thoughts or worries about their future, everything about these captured my attention and heart so well. Overall, this series is good kok!

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