Little Moon · 7mo

Kok pada nanyain kalian bisa pacaran yaaa, kan emang sahabatan dari dulu hihi. Thank you for being there for him when I couldn't even say a word to him (just watching him from afar ever since God knows when).

First of all, I don’t know what’s your intention in sending me this. I mean, you don’t have to thank me, at all. Please do underline this, that I am his girlfriend. The duty is indeed mine— to be with him. Idk but your words sounds like ‘thank you for being there for him while I wasn’t here’, and no, that’s not the case. Me being with him has no correlation with your absence or your inability to reach my boyfriend. And idk what you’re trying to gain from saying you’ve been watching my boyfriend from a far for so long, and you couldn’t talk to him. We don’t know you, and, we would really appreciate it if you keep your hands to yourself. Thank you.

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