Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

random critter · 1y

do everything in your power to bully fakir with this post. no nice words are allowed, not once. MAKE HIM FEEL BAD!

idiot boy who Grown several mold colonies from moping in his horse barn and sitting on dirty hay for several hours a Day fuming thinking about a ballerina. thats why his hair is Green. its an ecosystem..its full off Moss.. and dirt.. and Bugs!!! no wonder.. he wil become a tree<3 its destiny<3 and no matter how much your duck girlfriend pecks the bugs out of t youre hair its to late because they went in to your brain too. did i also forgot to mention? you have a crush on a Bird. and you spendt half a series having beef with said literal bird. loser type Situation

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