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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi mas, ini odii hehe. Akun odi kemakan jadi ga bisa ngobrol lagi sama mas. I see that mas is happy now hihi. Be happy always ya mas!

Memang sudah nggak mau buat akun baru? Atau Odi memang sudah mau keluar dari sini? Be happy Odi. Kalau Odi berkenaan bisa kirim pesan ke mas, kalau nanti balik lagi, ya?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Eh tapi lebih cocok jadi toji, ehem..

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Tell me about your favorite person.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I'm glad to hear that, glad to know that someone finally get your attention. Honestly, I had a crush on you, but, I hope s/he becomes the best person for you.

Thank you for having a crush on me (even tho I don't deserve it), there’re better man out there, be happy pretty.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi, Mas Ethan! Do you set your eyes on someone?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I love your company, truly. But I guess it’s better for us to never talk anymore. See you, Mas Ethan.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Are you down for the actual cheating sex? I mean doing sex with someone who already taken secretly.

Isaaaaa · 9 answers · 1mo

Which one of these two animals do you think you can take in a fight — kangaroo or bear? No weapons, no distractions, just you and the animal.

Isaaaaa · 14 answers · 1mo

Milk before cereal or cereal before milk? Why?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Since you're mentioned as a BI, what's your fetish and kink towards boys?

The truth is, I don't know what my fetishes or kinks are. I consider myself as a BI, just because I love pampering anyone regardless of their gender.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Km cocok pake jáéhyún buat fc

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Terus kalo bisa milih mau main sama character siapa?

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