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Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Apa impian atau tujuan yang ingin kamu capai dalam lima tahun ke depan?

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Apa yang membuatmu merasa paling hidup atau bersemangat?

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Apa makanan favoritmu yang selalu membuatmu merasa bahagia?

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Siapa sosok yang paling menginspirasi dalam hidupmu dan mengapa?

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Apa hobi atau kegiatan yang paling kamu nikmati di waktu luang?

Berkebun dan membuat tembikar, rasanya senang sekali melakukan dua kegiatan itu di waktu luang.

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Mbak jangan cantik-cantik.

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Boleh kenalan gak? Dari dulu suka melihatmu di TL

Tentu saja boleh, apa kita sudah saling mengikuti? Dari dulu? Kamu memata-matai saya, ya? Hahaha.

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Have you ever pet an opossum?

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Who is your favourite musician?

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

What is the worst thing one can do if they're bored?

Mysterious Muffin · 2mo

Hai, apa kabar?

Hjalmar. · 8 answers · 2mo

Can you give me some movie recommendations?

The Martian? This movie tells the story of a man who survives on Mars because his crewmate leaves him, they think he is already dead.

Arusha · 4 answers · 3mo

Would you rather be able to change one decision every day or have the ability to prepare for any future event?

Arusha · 4 answers · 3mo

Would you rather have eternal happiness for yourself or bring eternal happiness to others?

Providing eternal happiness for others, because I enjoy when people around me are happy.

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